Monday, July 28, 2014
The Blue House
In this Meditation Workshop,
Practice Being Spirit in your Body and
Spiritually-Focused in your world.
Kwan Yin is known as the bodhisattva (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhisattva) (Enlightenment Being) or Goddess of Compassion, Mercy.
She is all about spiritual focus. Which, when we let it, makes Everything Easy.
As spirit in body, Kwan Yin powerfully assists us to come into alignment with our Source, with our Light, with our Path: knowing our spiritual Royalty/Seniority here on the Earth: all in!
Allow yourself to create or deepen your present-time relationship with Kwan Yin, clear your own and other’s opinions & general religious information about her.
Come to KNOW Kwan Yin deeply for yourself, and be Supported as you shift to BEing who you are and serving in your unique way, getting back your own unique path, in freedom.
By working directly with Kwan Yin, energetically, you can learn to:
Allow spiritual focus, seniority and conscious connection to the God of your Heart (your unique experience of Source)
– in your spiritual expereince, here & now,
– in your body and your expereince of this reality,
– in your life, and manifesting your unique path.
When we truly experience ourselves, others, the world from a spiritual perspective –
there is nothing but compassion.
See you SOON!
See more about Kwan Yin & Ascended Masters:
– Who are these Ascended Masters (http://raiseyourvibrationwithascendedmasters.blogspot.com/2013/12/accelerate-your-spiritual-growth-by.html), and how can they Accelerate my spiritual growth?
– How does working with them help me be inspired to new heights, new connections, new ways of being in the world?
– Learn more about Kwan Yin (http://raiseyourvibrationwithascendedmasters.blogspot.com/2013/12/ascended-master-kwan-yin-be-spirit-in.html)
See more about What to Expect in Evening Workshops (http://raiseyourvibrationwithascendedmasters.blogspot.com/2014/01/what-are-evening-meditation-workshops.html). Please see here if this is your first workshop, Grounding & Centering tools are a prerequisite – come early (6:30) to learn them! Please let me know you are coming, early: [email protected]