Experience, Heal, Overflow in the blessing of Acceptance:
you are Enough, they are Enough, it is Enough.
This workshop is Open to All; and specifically Focused for Mystics
– those who are Dancing with the Divine, open to Soul Senses
… or want to be!

In this workshop, we say hello to the
wonderful blessing of
Validation/ Truth/ BEing with what IS
to learn to receive this:
not just from others,
but from heaven & earth,
and from within our own souls.
and from there, overflow this blessing to our world…
When we do, our body, life, world
tends to shift in very beautiful ways,
from the inside out.
Come taste and see!
: ) Wendy
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What’s this “Mother Mary as our Guide” thing?
Well, tuning into her, is not a rational process
– come experience, in your soul!
In our Soul, we will:
Create or deepen our present-time relationship with Mary.
By working directly with Mother Mary, in your Soul, you can learn to:
raise your vibration, allow healing, consciously create in your life, and enjoy meditation/ quiet time… all with more ease.
In our Soul, she:
– can help us tap-into compassion, neutrality and freedom in the places we are still judging and resisting ourselves, others and the world.
– is always available as a friend, supporter, and a beacon to assist, teach, role-model for us what is possible for us in this world.
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In this workshop
1) We will say Hello to Spiritual Truth / ‘BEing with what IS’.
We live in a cornucopia of Grace:
In our Souls: we ARE and we HAVE Enough!
We can OPEN to this experince.
We can let-go of the accusing lies that we are broken, lacking, undeserving…
In our Souls: we ARE Whole and Complete!
We can OPEN to this experince.
We can let-go of the pernicious lies
that we don’t deserve the the profligate gifts of Heaven,
the ridiculously abundant gifts of the Earth.
In our Souls: we LIVE and MOVE and HAVE our Being in the ALL.
We can OPEN even More, to this experience.
We are safe Spiritually, in the Divine.
In our Souls: we can TRUST – today, tomorrow, NOW.
We can OPEN to this experience.
So we can LIVE Now!
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This may all seem strange. That’s ok.
You can intellectually believe any, all, none if this.
It Doesn’t Matter.
We will open in our souls to the Blessing of Truth,
with the assistance of Mother Mary,
and experience what we experience.

What does all this have to do with Love?
Well on the face of it, you may notice some useful blessings.
But, much more importantly,
I have worked with hundreds of folks,
with their unique tastes of what love tastes like to them, in their souls.
And this is the amazing thing I have found:
Almost without exception,
2 blessings dominate the experience of Love
(then there are many unique variations
– many flavors come in, ie playfulness, comfort, ease, joy…)
But the 2 Big ones tend to be:
– the experience of connection,
the delicious Oneness experience that many call Love.
Validation/ Truth/ BEing with what IS
– really being seen, known, heard, felt…
– being ok, enough, welcomed, wanted, appreciated, desired…
In this workshop, we say hello to this
wonderful blessing of Validation/ Truth/ BEing with what IS
to learn to receive this:
not just from others,
but from heaven & earth,
and from within our own souls.
and from there, overflow this blessing to our world…
When we do, our body, life, world
tends to shift in very beautiful ways,
from the inside out.
Come taste and see!
: ) Wendy

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The power & fulfillment of Connection:
BEing Enough – with yourself, others, all…
can help overcome what has held you back,
and propel you forward into a life of Love – in a whole new way.
One of the things that trips many on our Path is
shame, I ‘suck’, I’m ‘broken’, ‘inadequate’, ‘unworthy’, not ‘enough’…
I call this Invalidation = the Energy of LIES.
Everyone has this, BTW, some of us more – much more – than others.
For me, long ago, avoiding this kind of training that I am offering now, this presented as:
“I don’t want to go and be seen – and judged”
Judged like *I* was judging me.
Of course I assumed it would be like this: I knew Nothing Else!
But this is not the way, At All!!
We will say hello to the Deep Soul Truth – the opposite of all this misery!
Touching, Tasting, BEing Enough – in & with yourself, others, all…
this is the Way.
This can help you overcome what has held you back,
and propel you forward into a life in the flow – yes of Love – but also your unique Path of connectedness with and giving/receiving with… all.
We will be exploring the experience of BEing Accepted & Enough in this BEing the Love you Want workshop: Resting in Truth, BEing with What IS
– please come try it out –
Experience, Heal, Overflow in the blessing of Acceptance:
you are Enough, they are Enough, it is Enough. $30
***** Saturday, February 29th – 11-1 pm – USA EST; Online/Phone
(Come online 11am, workshop 11:15 – 12:45, 1pm offline)
– Seattle Sat 8:00 am
– NYC Sat 11 am
– London Sat 4:00 pm
– Cape Town Sat 6:00 pm
– Perth Sat/Sun midnight
– Sydney Sun 3:00 am *