A Principal aspect of our Practice: Receiving & Integrating Blessings with Teleios TECH

In our soul BLOOMing system, Teleios TECH,
we operate both receptively and actively.

Everything we do is Exercising our Sacred Blessings
(i.e. Building Soul Strength, Endurance, Balance, Flexibility, etc)
and includes walking with the left foot and the right foot:

  • A ‘Letting Go’ in our Soul, Receiving Blessing
    Saying YES! to the omnipresent FLOW
    of spiritual sweetness, nourishment, wisdom, connection…
    Opening to & Marinating IN Divine Qualities – deep & wide, for us & our world.
  • Actively Soul Practicing, Integrating Blessing
    Habituating to a new way of BEing & DOing into all of our Soul,
    and from there, into all of our Body & Life, our work & play,
    our relationships & how we grok our world.

What does this mean? Why does it matter?

Receiving Blessing:

Just as the rain and sun are provided to meet our physical needs,
we are spiritually provided for.
This involves tuning-into a specific spiritual song, dance, fruit, gift…
resonance, frequency, color, sound, taste… in our soul AND saying YES to it.

We can learn to practice and exercise
our natural capacity to receive & resonate IN this Blessing.

Regardless of our outer circumstances, we can
become more conscious,
notice what is spiritually available to us, and
let it transform us from Inside-OUT.

This allows us to savor, be fulfilled, be informed,
and allow this fresh Divine Quality transform us.
This practice naturally supplants the stale energy, the old manna
and raises our vibration.

Over time, we become filled with and identify with this Blessing;
Singing & dancing a new tune within ourselves and into our body, life & world.

I believe one way Paul in the Christian Bible describes this process is:
beholding & reflecting as in a mirror the Glory & becoming ever more Glory.

Integrating Blessing:

This means learning how to not only receive endless blessings
but also how to consciously operate throughout our Soul
in collaboration with them, extending this into every aspect
of our body, life, relationships, work, and play.

It’s like watching the Olympics.
We get a glimpse of the wonder, excitement, hope,
disappointment, challenge, enchantment, pain, sublime beauty
of the game the athletes are dedicated to mastering.

And, IF we want to play our sport,
we must move beyond watching it as a theoretical exercise.
We learn the rules, practice different skills, and get out on the playing field.

And, IF we want to truly master our sport,
like Olympians, we must deeply commit ourselves:

  • get over ourselves, go beyond our Identity
    – how we think it is; who we know ourselves to be & be able to do…
  • invest our time, money, energy, sweat & tears…
    into consistent learning, receiving coaching,
    developing discipline, ready refinement, consistent practice…
    over a significant period of time.

This exercises & hones – transfoms who we are and what we can do
—mind, body, soul— INTO what is Possible for us, our unique POTENTIAL.

To be a high-level athlete is to wisely PRACTICE.
Practice on every level of their being is the reality of their lives,
and we see the amazing fruit of their dedication
when we watch them on our screens.


Practicing Sacred Blessings:

Continuing with this sports analogy:
Receiving Blessing is like the natural athletic abilities
we already have in our mind, body, soul…
Integrating Blessing is fully OWNing, REALizing this
– what we learn, develop, and grow into, to gain mastery in our sport.

Skillfully Receiving AND Integrating Blessings on our Soul Journey,
serves us on our singular
Odyssey of Overcoming, Becoming, Coming to Fruition,
on our unique Way:

  • Truly enjoying – BEing Fulfilled;
  • DOing/ playing our game fully;
  • Fulfilling our Potential (one may say Calling or Destiny)…

Passionately co-creating our deepest DREAMS in shared REALity.

This is the inspirited Purpose behind ‘BLOOM: Bring OUT the Gift IN You!’
Having Fully Matured, step by step,
into the Beautiful Oak tree that had been hidden in the Acorn.
The greek word for this is TELEIOS.

I wrote this overview to help this article make more sense:
Can you believe that ‘Having FUN’ can actually help you in your
Spiritual Communion? Personal Harmony? Vocational Vision?


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