What’s this Healing Circle Stuff all about?
SO many of us are experiencing Churn in our lives,
Challenge in our soul…
Let’s Fortify & Equip ourselves;
Support & Inspire each other
SO much pressure, on
SO many fronts:
- Economic, Political, Relational, Wellness…
- Confronting feelings, Unwieldy thoughts, Overwhelming energies…
SO, to serve us in this Tumultuous Year, let’s create a Monthly:
Healing Meditation & Transformation Support Circle!
Starting within ourselves & Flowing out into our world:
- Remembering who we are
- Finding a powerful place to stand, within
- Operating from Spiritual Connection, Clarity & Rest
- Being Connected, in the Flow of Blessings from Heaven & Earth
- Realizing who we Are and our unique Vision
- Making a Difference in our world, from the inside-out
Receive info about upcoming Circles:
monthly Healing Circle
Mailing List

Many of us feel like everything is falling apart,
we are going backward, things are getting worse.
I believe we are birthing something new,
we are going forward, things are getting better.
But for many of us it FEELS worse, it LOOKS worse!
And this is just true.
SO, it is challenging,
we are experiencing a lot of friction, push-back, ugliness.
No matter the underpinnings of what is happening,
no matter who is ‘right’ about why things seems worse…
We can validate, there’s a lot of intensity and emotionality!
Folks are calling out for support, clarity, vision, perspective…
a chance to make a difference.
So, let’s create that!
Us, you and me and whoever else wants to play
and enjoy Conscious Creativity.
Let’s create a dedicated time & place,
a dedicated intention,
a dedicated group,
to help birth in ourselves – and in this world – our next step,
‘vote for’ what we choose, and release what is no longer serving.
Let’s create a monthly healing & transformation support circle,
starting within ourselves & flowing out into our world:
Together, let’s
– connect
– become more equipped to handle life as it is and more empowered to set our sails in the direction we choose
– open to healing, growth, change, transformation, death & resurrection, abundant life… for ourselves, our families, communities, countries, world, earth, reality.
Through the rest of this year,
I am committing to gathering monthly
in support of
– our own and each other’s –
Healing & Transformation
– in service to ourselves, our families, our projects, our world.
As my gift, no charge.
As you are soul lead, donations much appreciated.

About Wendy as a Healer
A Professional Healer & Transformation Facilitator since 2005,
Wendy has been sharing her system of Potent mind, body, soul: tools & practices,
to equip and empower your momentum where you need it:
in your unique personal, professional & spiritual journey.
Wendy was called as a Healer in 1995.
She has been Inspiring, Coaching, Mentoring, Training…
Equipping, Empowering and helping to Heal, Grow & Transform:
Soul Healers, Leaders and Transformation Agents, since 2005.
She believes
“each one of us is on our own unique journey of Soul rEvolution:
unveiling, becoming, manifesting… who we are, our potential.
Not just us, also our culture, our species, our world, our universe…
all Blossoming, and coming to Fruition.”
More About Wendy as a healer.

This Circle is held in a container of ACTIVE Meditation,
SO we will:
- Sit comfortably in chairs;
- Receive new practices, Realize new perspectives, Share insights;
- Go deep inside ourselves to experience presence with ‘what is’, focus our attention, exercise our intentional choice.
More about Active Meditation.
Receive info about upcoming Circles:
monthly Healing Circle
Mailing List