Peaceful & EMPOWERED, Safe & Sustainable:
as an EMPATH, Intuitive, Sensitive…w/ Unique IMPACT
as Lover, Healer, Creator, Leader
… Sharing your Gifts, in your Way.

Ready for More of this in your Life? for your world?
– Discovering foundations for inner development & BLOSSOMing:
– Receiving & CREATING from Below Everyday Consciousness,
– Comfortably Soul DANCING in Clarity, Certainty, Choice…

I used to be SO OVERWHELMED with emotions, other’s energy & expectations.
… Taking on everyone’s stuff.
– Chronic Illness for decades.
– Housebound and often bed-bound, more years than I care to remember.
– my only hope: ‘where there is life, there is hope’
… You know the drill … sadly so common.
But THAT LIFE is no longer mine – I live in
Love, Joy, Peace… Light and Contribution.
Other Empaths have made our Soul GYM an essential part of their weekly schedule.
Through the years, many Empaths have shifted their inner and outer experience,
gone deeper in training with me – and I have shifted enormously as well!
Thousands of folks have learned to THRIVE
with the inner tools and perspectives they develop in this Practice.
Come find out what the fuss is all about.
Of course
Your challenges will not all be solved and your dreams fulfilled in a minute.
But this is a Useful place to start.
As you Learn & Practice, more Shift Happens, and less Shit Happens 🙂

Come BLOOM in our Zoom Room!
– ACTIVE Meditation
– PLAY, Enjoy, Commune
– CREATIVITY & Growth, Healing & Wellness
– VALIDATE your Soul Senses & Abilities
– RAISE your Vibration with Ascended Masters
– CONNECT with body, Spirit & ALL your Relations

See you soon!
WendyWant to read a recent Empath Post?


Train & Practice as an Empowered Empath

Be in touch, I offer Private Training &/or Group Practice

FYI – Most of the folks I work-with are recovering Empaths – I sure am!

ALL the Training & Practice that we offer is FOR
and Assists our Healing & Development AS
Empowered Empaths.

Let me know when we play together, that this is your priority.
I will help you understand HOW to take the Reins of your Energy System
and to begin SHIFTING as an Empowered Empath, utilizing Soul TECH

Wendy is an extensively trained & talented
– Mystic/ SOUL/ Psychic
– Healing/ TRANSFORMATION/ Creative
– Trainer/ FACILITATOR/ Mentor
Serving professionally for over 20 years, with groups and individuals.


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