

UNtrained Empaths tend to experience OVERWHELM

Due to unskillful Energy Management:

  • Misunderstanding
  • Lack-of Consciousness
  • Inability to Regulate

Therefore experiencing: 

  • Out-of-Control Clairsentience
    (Body Information – Emotional energy, Sexual energy…)

and often experiencing, as well:

  • Inability to Disambiguate between I/Thou
    & the debilitating results of limited Boundaries
  • Victimization & Suffering

A related capacity beyond the convo above,
which if unregulated can be very uncomfortable, and
tends to show up in the Empath/ HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) Experience is

  • Out-of-Control ‘Matching’ Energetically Resonating with others
    in ways that are uncomfortable & detrimental.

‘Matching’ is Energetically ‘Monkey-see, Monkey-do’ (i.e. ‘Contact High’).
It is a natural, and Potentially a VERY useful Soul Ability.
In physical-perspective, folks sometimes call this co-Regulation.

Therefore the opposite can be called co-disRegulation.
Energetic ‘Matching’ that’s Untrained, Unconscious, Unregulated
can get us into All Kinds of Trouble, Misery.

Trained Empaths tend to experience EMPOWERMENT

Become More Equipped to make a Comfortable & Capable Difference
– in your inner & outer world – Overcoming:

  • Overwhelm of too much body information/ energy
  • Victim Experience/ Consciousness/ Energy/ Patterns & TRIGGERS
  • Suffering & Martyrdom


SOUL Learn & Exercise to
OWN your Capacity to Regulate Energetic Information & Energy: 

  • Differentiate what is yours and what is not,
    regarding info, energy, responsibility…
  • Create your natural Energetic Boundaries;
    Find and OWN your Own Body, Energy, Creations,
  • Choose more useful Agreements,
    that serve the best & highest good for ALL


Now you know: it’s now Your CHOICE,  are ready to:
Stop Suffering – experiencing OVERWHELM
and Start Soaring – experiencing EMPOWERMENT


Consciously Utilize your natural Abilities to Perceive, Choose & Act
to Serve your body, life & world with Ease & Grace
– from INside-OUT


Train & Practice as an Empowered Empath

Be in touch, I offer Private Training &/or Group Practice

FYI – Most of the folks I work-with are recovering Empaths – I sure am!

ALL the Training & Practice that we offer is FOR
and Assists our Healing & Development AS
Empowered Empaths.

Let me know when we play together, that this is your priority.
I will help you understand HOW to take the Reins of your Energy System
and to begin SHIFTING as an Empowered Empath, utilizing Soul TECH.




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