Tap into an Endless Supply of Love:
Discover, Savor and Transform
in the unique flavor of Love that you are hungry-for.
When I am filled up and overflowing with Love,
From Heaven & Earth, from my own heart…
Then I am free to truly Love others.
Until then, I’m hungry, needy, vulnerable…
I mean to Love, but I also Have to get my needs met.
This controls me. It throws me toward wanting to Control them.
I want to be truly free to Love. And free them with Love.
But, I can only truly Love them, when I don’t NEED their Love.
I am so grateful that I found a way to fill up my own Love cistern!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you,
Utilizing powerful inner tools and Active Meditation,
we will invite
our past experiences of (as well as future desires for)
Connections, Relationships, Experiences
to be a Doorway;
to our Direct Experience of Oneness
– a sweet, delicious, fulfilling, awesome taste of Love –
within ourselves.

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Romance is just a Doorway.
– Wendy R Wolf – read more of this blog from several years ago:
Love is sweet, delicious, fulfilling, awesome… and fortunately ubiquitous.
Every day, every minute; Everywhere in/ with/ for Everyone: Love IS.
We don’t need the perfect partner to savor Love,
actually we don’t need a partner at all!
We can overtly enjoy lots of connections and intimacies with others…
or we can be all alone. It doesn’t matter.
We don’t have to
look, act, perform, strive, or succeed in any particular way
to be immersed in Love.
Love just IS.
And we can enjoy it, savor it.
Love can lead us, and fill us.
We can be it, share it, and act through it…
‘The Awesome Experience of Love: Romance is just a Doorway’

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One thing that trips many, on our Path of Love is Need, Desire:
We want to care and share, but, we are HUNGRY!
This doesn’t help us attract what, who we desire
… just the opposite, actually.
The power & fulfillment of Connection:
BEing Love – with yourself, others, all…
can help overcome what has held you back,
propel you forward into a life of Fulfillment – in a whole new way.
A long time ago, maybe 14 years ago, I was assisting a woman who was relatively happily married, with young kids and a mortgage. But, there was this other ‘irresistible man’, who she was having a lot of trouble not jumping-on, even though she wanted to remain monogamously married. A familiar scenario.
But, when I looked at it, it wasn’t really about the ‘irresistible man’. It was how she felt when she was with him.
The man was like a ‘gumball machine’ to her. In his presence she experienced the love she desired – and she wanted MORE! She was hungry for the flavor of ‘gumballs’ she experienced in his presence.
From this understanding and the tools I could give her – to meet her own needs – her turn toward living her conscious choices became more doable. Receiving from heaven & earth, and from inside herself, she started to enjoy those particularly delicious & nutritious ‘gumballs’ – separate from the ‘irresistible man’!
Savoring the ‘gumballs’ she was hungry-for, she started living in the direction of her freedom.
From a more fulfilled place, she could be more present, generous with her intimates, less dependent on others for ‘gumballs’.
THIS transformative experience – which I have seen over and over in so many variations – for myself and hundreds of others –
is the basis for our practice in this BEing the Love you Want workshop: Delight in the Deliciousness you Desire;
and the foundation for what has bloomed, encompassing many more aspects:
‘Deeply Soul Connected: Inspired to BE Love, REALize Intimacy’
Touching, Tasting, BEing Love… is the Way of Love.
Our Graceful Soul Practice can help you overcome what has held you back. Propel you forward in a life of Flow – yes of Love – but also all the nutrients you need to Thrive – full not hungry – on your unique Path.
– please come try it out –
Tap into an Endless Supply of Love: Discover, Savor & Transform
in the unique flavor of Love that you are hungry-for. $30
***** Friday, February 28th – 7-9 pm – USA EST; Online/Phone
(Come online 7pm, workshop 7:15 – 8:45, 9pm offline)
– Seattle Fri 4:00 pm
– NYC Fri 7:00 pm
– London Fri/Sat midnight
– Cape Town Sat 2:00 am *
– Perth Sat 8:00 am *
– Sydney Sat 11:00 am *