What is this ACTIVE Meditation
of which we speak?
ACTIVE Meditation is a unique practice:
physically comfortable (no pretzel body)
and powerful deep in our Soul (Be Still and Know).
Thousands have changed their lives
as they become Present, Quiet, and more Connected in Soul.
Many find this practice invites
revolutionary changes in consciousness and behavior:
We allow safety and comfort,
by opening- to receiving Soul Sustenance, Connection, Communication.
Realizing our unique Answers, Soul path, Dance with Spirit…
we get direction more from within, not in merely mundane ways.
We allow Body & Soul to be fortified & sustained – first within.
From here: we function in a new way in our own
internal experience, personal relations, and societal roles.
Healing & Transforming from within, and realizing this into our lives,
we become a Healing, Transforming Presence for all we meet.
This is NOT merely mindfulness meditation!
Mindfulness meditation is awesome!
The results of Mindfulness are experienced (over time) in ACTIVE Meditation;
but ACTIVE Meditation is something different.
- ACTIVE Meditation is more ACTIVE : )
not just BEing with what IS – which is awesome!
In addition :
ALSO, purposely Developing our Soul Senses – comfortably awakening our perceptions in many different aspects of our inner and outer experience.
AND also consciously
heaven & earth.
ALSO intending YES to Life, Love, Truth…
AND walking our Unique Path, the Narrow Way: Opening to Soul Maturing, Blossoming into our full self & highest expression in the world.
AS WELL AS attending to our Soul Choosing: co-creating with the Universe where to go, what to do, who to be…
and so much more: very ACTIVE 🙂
- ACTIVE Meditation is designed for us to utilize while sitting, lying down, or on the Go in your Everyday Life!
We learn & practice while sitting.
Then we learn to leverage ACTIVE Meditation in each moment of our lives: anytime, anywhere.
Many of us everyday folks find ACTIVE Meditation a much more accessible on-ramp to meditation. You can:
- feel safe enough to STOP running,
- get QUIET deep inside,
- OPEN to receive in the soul;
in ways that are powerful, palpable, and nurturing.
In each ACTIVE Meditation workshop & circle you will:
- Learn inner tools.
Get inspired, supported, equipped, to experience
being more comfortable & present;
invite-in what you want, invite-out what you don’t want. - Receive new practices, realize new perspectives.
Participate in playful guided meditations to learn and exercise new internal possibilities, for yourself.
Go deep inside to experience presence with ‘what is’, focus attention, exercise intentional choice. - Have fun learning, sharing, playing, pulling – together.
Sit comfortably in a chair.
Share your experience and insights – only if it pleases you.
Learn-from, connect-with others, with similar interests.
In the online & in-person Workshops & Circles,
we will be exploring and exercising within,
in ACTIVE Meditation.
And from there inviting wonderful soul blessings
to cascade and create shifts: into your body, your life and your world.
These kinds of delicious and powerful experiences:
- Savoring, experiencing Wholeness,
being Transformed by your experience - Finding Empowerment & healthy boundaries,
creating a safe space for you to bloom - Releasing limits & lies, blocks & heaviness
that keep you from Fully Realizing
who you ARE and your Highest Expression, into your world
You can begin your ACTIVE Meditation journey
in our online & in-person Workshops & Circles
(or Private Session with Wendy
– call, text, email to get started)
Want to stay in touch?
Join Newsletter

These ACTIVE Meditation workshops & circles will offer
a little taste of what is possible within you,
a ‘Graceful Soul System’ that supports you to BE, to Choose, to Shift…
***** A firm spot on which to stand, on Rock, within *****
***** Potent Soul Tools that move you *****
– From within, and out to your world, from there
– Keys to help you to let-go, let-in, sit… walk… stand… firmly at the helm.
These practices
– have changed so many peoples lives, and
– most folks find them to be accessible.
Everything you learn in these workshops & circles is Yours,
to deepen and practice into your soul, into your life.
– You won’t have to do anything more with me to leverage what you learn.
– All this is ‘a Minute to Learn, a Lifetime to Master’.
– And, there is more – Much More available! When you want more, ask.
I’ve found, life is so much more do-able – malleable, delicious –
when I have inner tools and a solid place to stand, within.
I can more often stay at the helm,
handle the challenges, go with the flow….
I look forward to sharing ACTIVE Meditation with you.
– Wendy

You can begin your ACTIVE Meditation journey
in our online & in-person Workshops & Circles
(or Private Session with Wendy
– call, text, email to get started)
Want to stay in touch?
Join Newsletter