Living IN Love, from Inside, OUT
Stay in the Loop for LOVE Intensive February 2025 (and related offerings)
What if:
– LOVE is a state of BEing, Not a Relationship status.
What if:
– You can SAVOR the delicious Oneness, wholeness you have been craving.
What if:
– LOVE can be Available to YOU
Anytime, Anywhere.
No matter Who you are, No matter What your experience has been…
Are you Ready
– to give Living IN LOVE, a try?
Are you Willing
– to DO what it takes, from the INside, OUT?
Then Come PLAY!
Discover in your own Soul: Leverage, Perspective, Tools.
Learn HOW to experience the fulfillment of your needs & desires – within.
Living IN Love, from Inside, OUT
Stay in the Loop for LOVE Intensive February 2025 (and related offerings)
Of Course – there is no PILL, no SILVER BULLET
This is a Process,
of unfurling, allowing, healing, overcoming, growing, coming to fruition…
It is a Journey,
it takes time, intention, attention, focus, willingness, courage, tenacity…
But the fruit starts coming rather quickly, for most.
SO MANY have turned their Relationships, Life, Reality;
from a new perspective, with new inner tools – to a new Consciousness.
Would you like to Come play with us? Shift your Experience of Love!
Living IN Love, from Inside, OUT
Stay in the Loop for LOVE Intensive February 2025 (and related offerings)
Our need, desire as humans for love;
romance, intimacy, connection, acceptance, belonging, mattering….
– These are some of our of our major drives.
– How well we meld these, effects every aspect of our lives:
- Our work and play
- Our relationships with family, friends, ALL our Relations
- Our experience of finding our Place and making an Impact in this world…
Our experience and the difference we make in this life,
are profoundly effected by our Experience of Love.
So, what is your experience of Love?

Living IN Love, from Inside, OUT
Stay in the Loop for LOVE Intensive February 2025 (and related offerings)
Whether single or partnered.
Most of us experience need, desire in this arena.
(Except in the infatuation stage, where all our dreams seems to come true…
for a minute ; )
Most of us believe the answer to our need is OUT THERE
– a relationship, an improved partner, a new connection, a community…
SOMEONE who will
– Really see and Accept us for who we are, and what we aren’t
– Know us and Love us… for more than a minute…
It’s a jungle out there, trying to get our needs met!
Fortunately, The answer IS NOT OUT THERE.
Those folks out there don’t HAVE what you need.
It is a mirage!
But the better news is,
We can experience the fulfillment of these needs, desires – within.
I know that sounds crazy, but its true.
I have experienced it myself.
I have watched hundreds of folks shift their lives from this empowered place.
We can stop chasing-around out there!
There is NO CHEESE!
At least consistently, long-term.
So we can end up NEEDING… and trying to get these needs met.
Some form – overtly, or subtly –
of Using people (&/or allowing people to Use us, treat us poorly)
Grasping-for something we NEED from people.
What do we HAVE to do or not do, be or not be, give… to get our needs met?
Love as we have been doing it, hasn’t been working
… not gracefully, deliciously, consistently…
So, let’s reset!
Living IN Love, from Inside, OUT
Stay in the Loop for LOVE Intensive February 2025 (and related offerings)