and my Vision for each soul to self-express and serve:
Just DO our true self in our world,
is a great blessing to All.
To mature-into our own self-mastery
is essential to the unique role we are blessed to play in this world.
True mastery from within
is actually the keystone ‘fruit of the Spirit’
of which Paul speaks in the New Testament.
As we uncover, open-into, evolve, blossom, come to fruition as who we really ARE
and grow the soul muscle of our ability to be in charge of ourselves,
we can naturally step into our true power and authority
to Play Our OWN Game,
and from there, effectively serve our world – in alignment with our Source.
So we can OWN our life,
enjoy FREEDOM within,
have access to our true POWER,
exercise our FREE WILL,
CHOOSE our course…
and from there exercise AGENCY in our world.
All of this and more!
is available to us,
as we are willing to:
– grow our inner muscle and
– practice our unique inner gifts into our world….
This is central to enjoying our true BEing, our aligned DOing,
and actually making the difference we mean to make,
the difference we are here to make,
as Leaders in our world…..
This means DOING our PART
in the orchestra – if you – as the violin, the piccolo, the oboe – are missing, the music is lacking integrity – the beauty is degraded.
In the New Testament Jesus prayed:
Thy Reign (kingdom) come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Who is going to bring, be, do, manifest heaven on earth – if not us – in concert with Spirit?
NOT in should, trying, striving; not driven by what religion, ethics, family, school or career might desire or require. Rather letting all this fall to the wayside.
Allowing the rEvolutionary way of Spirit – being ourselves and Dancing with Life and the Divine – Organically.
Not in Have-to, should or ought. Not in works vs grace. Rather letting all this fall to the wayside.
We GET TO PLAY, as choice from free-will. And this makes all the difference – for us and our world.
What a blessing to be uniquely us, uniquely Dancing our Reality to fruition, bringing Heaven to Earth in each step.
I believe BEing Captain of our Lives,
Playing our Own Game,
Helps Everyone Win!
What say you?
Blessings on your Unique Path!
Sure, that’s great, but HOW?
Wendy R Wolf is a professional Soul Transformation Facilitator, since 2005. Everything she offers culminates in:
– Captain of our Life,
– Playing our Own Game,
– BEing Transformation Agents in our World.