- Do you find when you try to meditate,
it’s difficult to let go of distractions and just BE?
. - Do you find that when you are ‘Practicing the Presence of God’
bothersome issues surface?
(thoughts, feelings, pain, fear, past, future, things done and left undone)
. - Are you not experiencing Sacred Light, Love, Truth, your Way in God?
In times like these, I have been stalled before, and
I still get stopped sometimes…
but WAY less than I used to!
I have found a meditation practice that actually works!
it helps me:
- feel safe enough to STOP running,
- get QUIET deep inside,
- OPEN to receive from God;
in ways that are powerful, palpable, and nurturing.
I utilize practices which serve me in my ‘prayer closet’,
but I also draw upon them, regularly, in my everyday life.
So, whether or not I make time to sit alone with God,
I still enjoy spiritual Connection, REST & Rejuvenation
while on the GO in my LIFE.
Contact WENDY to get started
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& come as OUR GUEST, for a Taste
Rejoice always; pray without ceasing;
in everything give thanks;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thes 5)
Meditation with Jesus is a unique practice:
physically comfortable (no pretzel body)
and spiritually powerful (Know God).
I have watched thousands change their lives
as they become Present, Quiet, and more Spiritually Connected.
Be still, and know that I am God (Psalms 46)
Many find this practice of Meditation with Jesus
invites God to bring
revolutionary changes in consciousness and behavior:
- We allow God to give us safety and comfort,
by opening to God’s Blessings and Communication.
. - Realizing our unique answers and path in God,
we get direction more from within, and less from the world.
. - We allow God to fortify us, body & soul.
Functioning in a new way
in our own internal experience, personal relations, and societal roles.
Do not be conformed to this world,
but continuously be transformed
by the renewing of your minds
so that you may be able to determine what God’s will is
— what is proper, pleasing, and perfect. (Romans 12)
Transformed by God,
we become a Healing Presence for all we meet.
If you are interesting in exploring this meditation path,
please contact me to get started!
If you would like to know more, you might be interested in the About page, on my blog.
in Life,
Contact WENDY to get started
OR Join Newsletter (mark Spiritual Communion)
& come as OUR GUEST, for a Taste
about anything you ask for,
it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them.(Matthew 18)
What folks are saying about their experience:
My meditations have been prayer in a different form. By closing my eyes and placing myself into a truly un-distracted state, I am able to have a deeper connection with God, where I reflect and seek clarity on different aspects of my life.
– Katie, NJ ShoreHad a great meditation with Wendy via Skype today. So blessed for her support and guidance. As well as the connection to spirit that I nurture with her, and alone. It’s so nice to be in this flow of life with an infinite support system in and at my fingertips.
– GR, ParisI’d been searching for a way to meditate, but was left mostly reading spiritual books and praying to get in my daily devotion. After finding this meditation I no longer think about devotion, and I don’t even think about guidance in the way that I used to. Today I have changed (the way to see and deal with life) and my perception of God has changed. Meditation has brought me intimately closer with the peace I already felt and sought. Now I know, when before I merely believed.
– Ryan, SeattleWendy, I did want to tell you that I FINALLY meditated for an extended period of time last night here in my home. I’ve been trying to find the time to do this for some time. I meditated for 30-45 minutes and read your handout. I noticed a few interesting things that were REALLY helpful. I felt so good and calm afterward. AND I wrote in my meditation journal.
… It made me feel better to hear that you’ve struggled with all this stuff: with doubt and resistance too! I think you are AMAZING… and to know you initially struggled with it…. gives me hope that I can get SOMEwhere with all this ‘stuff’ too 🙂
….I want you to know that I SO appreciate all the knowledge I have gained from you and from your classes. I will continue to use the meditation and other techniques I have learned from you as a basis for any further development in my spiritual life
… (You) help us become more in touch with our own spirit and our own spiritual information. I will never forget the impact you and this group has made on my life.
– RJ, Central NJ
And we all with unveiled face,
beholding and reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord,
are being transformed into the same image
from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3)
Contact WENDY to get started
OR Join Newsletter (mark Spiritual Communion) & come as OUR GUEST, for a Taste

to schedule a private appointment or
learn about group workshop/class schedule