Are you wanting to Live in the Light,
but Really feel held DOWN by the Darkness?
Do you feel like the ‘Dark Side’ is winning the spiritual war?
Are you working hard to keep your head above water, dealing with
- Addiction, Compulsion, Avoidance;
- Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Suicidal Impulses;
- Chronic Illness, Injury, Pain;
- the results of Trauma, Abuse, Victim experiences…
I know what it’s like to be SURVIVING this Darkness,
and I have learned to THRIVE in the Light.
I would like to help you do the same, in your own way.
Life doesn’t have to be This Hard, for This Long.
Please be in touch NOW
Contact WENDY to get started
OR Join Newsletter (mark Spiritual Communion)
& come as OUR GUEST, for a Taste
If you feel overwhelmed by life’s trials;
no matter who you are,
what you’ve been through,
or how long your Darkness has lasted:
Light and Life Abundant is available to You.
The Experience of Deep Healing
and Soul Balance, Rhythm, Alignment…
is God’s Gift for ALL of us!
I KNOW this is true: Because I have LIVED it!
I have been stuck in every one of the bullet points above.
But now, every day, I live in more Freedom.
AND I have been Blessed to watch Many others step from Darkness into Light, from Victim to Victory.

My Name is Wendy
In 1995, right after I turned 30, I was called as a Healer.
It has been a wild ride for me, ever since.
But the good news from this is:
I have many tools, training and experience
to inspire, equip and support you, to:
- Overcome what has stopped you, come into your birthright;
- Become: Grow into who you are, and your organic contribution; and
- Come to Fruition & Share Fruit – Shine Light that only you can!
I support your opening to God’s Transformation
in ways that makes an ACTUAL difference for you
in your relationship with God, with yourself, and with ALL your Relations.
I am ready to assist you to face Your Intense Challenges!
I can partner with you,
to walk your unique path with Jesus, and to open to Life, Abundantly.
You can enjoy a helping hand,
someone who walks the path beside you.
Please be in touch NOW:
Contact WENDY to get started
OR Join Newsletter (mark Spiritual Communion)
& come as OUR GUEST, for a Taste
in Life, Wendy
See more about
Light in the Darkness
Soul Counseling
Spiritual Direction
Meditation with Jesus